jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

New termination of pregnancy law reform

Termination of pregnancy will NO longer a right, the new termination law has just been approved by the government (pending approval by the parliament) , and this is what women should understand about it. 

Read carefully because this law is VERY different from the last one

- termination is permitted up to week 12 in case of rape, and the woman must have reported the rape to the authorities. ( of course if the termination could not be done in the first 12 weeks, it can be done later alleging "great harm for women", at least this is what I thought when I read the document, and quite hard it was to swallow the thing...)
- If there is “important and durable impairment of to the physical of psychological health of the woman, up to 22 weeks. Don't ask me what these mean because I have no idea.
- This impairment must be evidenced i with two reports done by physicians different from the ones doing the termination, they can't also work in the place where the termination is done.
- These consultants must be “specialists in the pathology that generates this danger to the women’s health”.
- Fetal malformation, even those incompatible with life are not a cause of termination (they cite discrimination of the unborn), BUT, if this generates harm to the psychic health of the mother, two reports will be necessary, one concerning the psychic health and another about the malformation in itself.
- If the diagnosis of the malformation could not be done within the 22 week limit, and if the above requirements are met, the termination could be carried out after said limit. This is done given the opinion of the World health association that at 22 weeks the fetus has a chance to live
- If the 22 week limit is past, and the doctor thinks that there is considerable risk for maternal health, an induced labor will be done
- Clinics that perform termination cannot publicize
- Underage women should have their parents consent (this changes from the 2010 law), except in the case where there is no consent between the two, where a judge will intervene

Will it see the light of day In The BOE as law? I m pessimistic and think it will, never mind amnesty international. I hope I'm wrong. 

in case I didn't make myself clear, I HATE THIS "THING".

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